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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-521-31510-7 BibTeX citation key:  Tranel1987
BERNARD TRANEL. 1998. The Sounds of French. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 0-521-31510-7.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-25 03:30:12
Categories: linguistics
Keywords: phonétique française, phonetics, synchrony
Creators: Tranel
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge)

Number of views:  480
Popularity index:  64.78%

Part One: introductory concepts

§ 1. Orthography, pronunciation, and phonetic notation
§ 2. Basic notions of phonetics

Part Two: Vowels and glides

§ 3. Vowel systems
§ 4. Distribution of vowels
§ 5. Nasal vowels
§ 6. E
§ 7. Glides

Part Three: Consonants

§ 8. Consonantal systems
§ 9. {L} & {R}
§ 10. Double consonants and final consonants
§ 11. Liaison

Part Four: Suprasegmentals

§ 12. Stress and Intonation

Part Five: Appendices
§ A. The International Phonetic Association
§ B. Diacritic marks in French orthography
§ C. Outline of the history of French orthography
§ D. Sounds and letters in French: summary
§ E. A selection of {h}-aspiré words
§ F. Fundamental principles of French pronunciation: summary
Added by: sashi

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