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This is a program that allows for sharing a bibliography.

Bibliographies (or more precisely collections from the larger bibliography) can be exported in a number of different formats (MLA, Chicago, APA, BibTex, RIS, etc.)

Claim I believe to be true and am testing: It is possible to export from Zotero (via BibText / RIS) and feed the exported biblio into Wikindx and vice versa.

Old: Inline references can be created via the WYSWYG editor (nb: Safari & Opera do not work with the editor), or by export to Endnote. It appears that there are also very old plugins for both Wordpress and Mediawiki.

References can be keyword-tagged and categorized. For the moment, I haven't opened up categorization to all users but will if asked. The general philosophy is to organize with keywords, but I do recognize more categories will one day be needed.

Global parameters: I've turned off all email notifications of users (news items, resource additions). When browsing a user bibliography, I've chosen to limit the keyword list to keywords found in that bibliography to test this feature (16 Feb 2017).

Recent additions or edits

JOE PATRICE. 2017. Wikipedia Keeps A Record Of Your Edits — These People Don’t Seem To Know That: Why do Federal Reserve employees who make economic forecasts own a company selling private economic forecasts? Above the Law Accessed 15th Oct 2017, from: < ... -dont-seem-to-know-that>.    Added by: flip
2017-10-15 15:26:46
   v    Pop. 52.68%
WALT BOGDANICH & JENNY NORDBERG. 29th Jan 2006. Mixed U.S. Signals Helped Tilt Haiti Toward Chaos. The New York Times.    Added by: sashi
2017-07-15 01:50:01
   v    Pop. 100%
MATTHEW LEISING. 13th Jun 2017. The Ether Thief. Bloomberg.    Added by: sashi
2017-07-09 03:49:23
   v    Pop. 48.48%
TOM CICOTTA. 9th May 2017. UC Berkeley Professor Banned From Wikipedia Over Anti-Trump Edit Project. Breitbart.    Last edited by: sashi
2017-06-24 19:19:59
   v    Pop. 48.34%
FENG ZHU & SHANE GREENSTEIN. 2016. Do Experts or Collective Intelligence Write with More Bias? Evidence from Encyclopædia Britannica and Wikipedia. Havard Business School.    Added by: sashi
2017-06-24 19:19:04
   v    Pop. 53.69%
AARON HALFAKER, R. STUART GEIGER, JONATHAN MORGAN & JOHN RIEDL. 2013. The Rise and Decline of an Open Collaboration System: How Wikipedia’s Reaction to Popularity Is Causing Its Decline. American Behavioral Scientist 57.5.    Added by: sashi
2017-06-21 15:25:03
   v    Pop. 69.03%
SOHAM. 2017. The Miraculous WP Biography of a Hindu Godman. Accessed 8th Jan 2017, from: <>.    Last edited by: sashi
2017-03-14 19:16:31
   v    Pop. 57.16%
GUY ADAMS. 2017. The making of a Wiki-Lie: Chilling story of one twisted oddball and a handful of anonymous activists who appointed themselves as censors to promote their own warped agenda on a website that's a byword for inaccuracy. The Daily Mail Accessed 6th Mar 2017, from: < ... mote-warped-agenda.html>.    Added by: sashi
2017-03-06 19:39:39
   v    Pop. 56.44%
PETER THONEMANN. 2016. The all-conquering Wikipedia? The Times Literary Supplement Accessed 6th Mar 2017, from: < ... encyclopedic-knowledge/>.    Added by: sashi
2017-03-06 16:28:55
   V    Pop. 57.31%
ROBERT FISK. 2007. Caught in the deadly web of the internet. The Independent Accessed 17th Feb 2017, from: < ... 07-04-21T00:00:10-00:00>.    Added by: sashi
2017-03-02 00:40:27
   v    Pop. 57.89%

sashi AT
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