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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-340-54013-3 BibTeX citation key:  Young1997
JOHN YOUNG. 1997. Britain and the World in the Twentieth Century. London; New York; Sydney: Arnold 0-340-54013-3.
Added by: sashi 2012-05-17 03:56:55
Categories: history
Keywords: db**, db.02, decolonisation biblio
Creators: Young
Publisher: Arnold (London; New York; Sydney)

Number of views:  336
Popularity index:  53.85%

Amazon Product Description

This book looks at all the main phases of British foreign policy from the 1890s to the 1990s. It not only explores such major events as the Boer War, Appeasement, and the Suez Crisis, but also looks well beyond traditional diplomacy, taking in strategic, technological, economic, and ideological factors, as well as looking at such subjects as the rise of propaganda agencies and the intelligence community. The author also details specific international relations and rivalries and charts domestic influences on policy.
Added by: sashi

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