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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Publisher:  Macmillan (Basingstoke)
MIKE CRONIN & JOHN REGAN (Eds.)Ireland: the Politics of Independence, 1922-1949. (Basingstoke: ). Macmillan 0-333-72051-2. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 60.49%
NICHOLAS OWEN. 1996. €œDecolonisation and post-war Consensus. In The Myth of Consensus: New Views on British History, 1945-1964. (HARRIET JONES & MICHAEL KANDIAH (series Ed.)). Basingstoke: Macmillan 0-333-65073-5. Last edited by: sashi  v    Pop. 57.6%
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