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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword: diachrony
DAVID DENISON. 1993. English Historical Syntax. London: Longman 0-582-29139-9 ; 0-582-21620-6.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 62.26%
W.D. ELCOCK. 1960. The Romance Languages. London: Faber & Faber.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 61.19%
NICOLAS FLEISCHER. The origin of passive 'get'. English Language and Linguistics 10.2. 225–252. 1360-6743.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 67.39%
ALGIRDAS JULIEN GREIMAS. 1992. Dictionnaire de l'ancien français. Paris: Larousse 2-03-532048-8.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 66.44%
LOUIS RéMâCLE. 1968. Le Problème de l'ancien wallon. Paris: Les Belles Lettres No. pages: 230.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 56.47%
WALTHER VON WARTBURG. 1988. Evolution et structure de la langue française. 11th ed. Bern: A. Francke No. pages: 294. 3-317-00013-9.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 65.36%
GASTON ZINK. 1999. Phonétique historique du français. Paris: PUF 2-13-046471-8.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 68.06%