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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword: history of linguistics
LEONARD BLOOMFIELD. An Introduction to the Study of Language.
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Pop. 63.23%
SAPIR EDWARD. 1921. Language. New York: Harcourt & Brace No. pages: vii + 258.
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Pop. 67.86%
ADèLE GOLDBERG (Ed.)2011. Cognitive Linguistics. (London, New York: ). Routledge 978-0-415-57493-8.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 80.95%
CHEVALIER JEAN-CLAUDE & ENCREVé PIERRE. 2006. Combats pour la linguistique: Essai de dramaturgie épistémologique. (, Langages). Lyon: ENS editions 2-84788-089-5.
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Pop. 67.2%
OTTO JESPERSEN. 1922. Language: Its nature, development, and origin. London: George Allen and Unwin No. pages: 448.
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Pop. 66.53%
-----. 1924. Philosophy of Grammar. London: George Allen and Unwin.
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Pop. 66.53%
ANDRé JOLY. 1994. Eléments pour une théorie générale de la personne. Faits de Langues 2.3. 45–54.
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Pop. 73.02%
WILLIAM SIR JONES. 1804. A grammar of the Persian language. London: W. Bulmer.
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Pop. 65.48%
FRANçOIS JUSTE MARIE RAYNOUARD. 1821. Grammaire Comparée des Langues de l'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la langue des troubadours. Paris: Firmin Didot No. pages: 412.
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Pop. 61.64%
FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE, CHARLES BAILLY & ALBERT SéCHEHAYE. 1995. Cours de linguistique générale. ALBERT RIEDLINGER (Ed.)Paris: Payot 2-228-88942-3.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 67.59%
JOSEPH VENDRYES. 1939. Le Langage: Introduction linguistique à l'histoire. (, L'évolution de l'humanité, Henri Berr). Paris: Albin Michel.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 63.76%