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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword:  db.07.2
LAWRENCE J. BUTLER. 1999. Reconstruction, development and the entrepreneurial state: The British colonial model, 1939-51. Contemporary British History 13.4. 29–55. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 74.76%
Early Years of the Colonial Development Corporation: British State Enterprise Overseas during Late Colonialism. 1984. African Affairs 83.330. 63–75. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 61.67%
JOHN FLINT. 1983. Planned Decolonisation and its Failure in British Africa. African Affairs 82.328. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 58.84%
ANTHONY H.M. KIRK-GREENE. 1999. On Crown Service. A History of HM Colonial and Overseas Civil Services, 1837-1997. London, New York: I.B. Tauris 1-86064-260-8. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 60.05%
JOANNA LEWIS & PHILIP MRUPHY. 2006. €˜The Old pals’ protection society’: The Colonial Office and the British press on the eve of decolonization. In Media and the British Empire. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 978-1-403-94882-3. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 62.75%
ROBERT D. PEARCE. 1984. The Colonial Office and Planned Decolonization in Africa. African Affairs 83.330. 77–93. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 59.51%
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