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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword:  db.07.01
FRANK HEINLEIN. 2002. British Government Policy and Decolonisation, 1945-1963: Scrutinising the Official Mind. London: Frank Cass. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 70.72%
TONY HOPKINS. 1997. Macmillan's audit of empire, 1957. In Understanding Decline: Perceptions and Realities of Britain’s economic performance. (PETER CLARKE & CLIVE TREBILCOCK (series Ed.)). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 0-521-56317-8. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 61.13%
STEPHEN HOWE. 1993. Anticolonialism in British Politics: the Left and the End of Empire, 1918-1964. Oxford: Clarendon Press No. pages: xvi, 316. 978-0-19-820423-7. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 62.48%
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