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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword: Caribbean
HILARY BECKLES & VERENE SHEPHERD (Eds.)1993. Carribean Freedom: Society and Economy from Emancipation to the Present. (Kingston: ). Ian Randle 976-810017-6 (Ian Randle). - 0-85255-711-6 (James Currey).
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Pop. 66.94%
The Carribean: An Intellectual History 1774-2003. 978-9766371708.
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Pop. 66.4%
RAFAEL COX-ALOMAR. 2003. Britain's withdrawal from the Eastern Caribbean, 1965-67; A reappraisal. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 31.3.
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Pop. 67.34%
LAURENT DUBOIS. 2012. Haiti: The Aftershocks of History. New York: Picador / Henry Holt 978-1-250-00236-5.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 69.23%
CARY FRASER. 2000. The 'New Frontier' of Empire in the Caribbean: The Transfer of Power in British Guiana, 1961-1964. The International History Review 22.3.
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Pop. 63.83%
JAMES MILLETTE. 1997. Decolonization, Populist Movements and the Formation of New Nations, 1945-1970. In BRIDGET BRERETON (Ed.) The Caribbean in the Twentieth Century. London; Basingstoke: Unesco, Macmillan 0-333-72459-3.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 62.89%