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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword: grammatical voice
DAVID BANKS. 1986. Getting by with 'get'. La linguistique 22.1. 125–130.
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Pop. 60.38%
HILARY CHAPPELL. Is the 'get'-passive adversative? Papers in Linguistics.
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Pop. 62.8%
D.A. CRUSE. 1973. Some thoughts on agentivity. Journal of Linguistics 9.1. 11–23.
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Pop. 61.46%
GEORGE O. CURME. 1913. Development of the progressiv form in Germanic. PMLA 28.2. 159–187.
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Pop. 63.75%
NICOLAS FLEISCHER. The origin of passive 'get'. English Language and Linguistics 10.2. 225–252. 1360-6743.
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Pop. 67.39%
TALMY GIVóN & YANG LYNN. 1994. The Rise of the English 'get' passive. In BARBARA FOX & J. PAUL HOPPER (Eds.) Voice: Form and Function. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 119–149 1-55619-419-6.
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Pop. 67.92%
BéATRICE JEANNOT-FOURCARD. 2011. Pronoms personnels et reduplication verbale en créole martiniquais: entre appropriation du procès et implication dans le procès. La Linguistique: Revue de la société internationale de linguistique fonctionnelle 2011.2. 91–104.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 69%