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Displaying 1 - 20 of 180 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Category:  history
FRéDéRIC ABéCASSIS & JEAN-FRANçOIS FAü. 2011. Les Juifs dans le monde musulman à l'âge des nations (1840-1915). In ANTOINE GERMA, BENJAMIN LELLOUCH & ÉVELYNE PATLAGEAN (Eds.) Les Juifs dans l'histoire. Seysell: Champ Vollon 545–570 978-2-87673-555-2. Last edited by: sashi  v    Pop. 58.47%
GUY ADAMS. 2017. The making of a Wiki-Lie: Chilling story of one twisted oddball and a handful of anonymous activists who appointed themselves as censors to promote their own warped agenda on a website that's a byword for inaccuracy. The Daily Mail Accessed 6th Mar 2017, from: < ... mote-warped-agenda.html>. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 56.44%
MICHAEL ADAS. 2004. Contested Hegemony: The Great War and the Afro-Asian Assault on the Civilizing Mission Ideology. Journal of World History 15.1. Added by: sashi  V    Pop. 87.41%
JEAN MARIE. ALLMAN. The Youngmen and the Porcupine: Class, nationalism and Asante's struggle for self-determination. In The Decolonization Reader. 204–217. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 62.37%
DAVID ANDERSON & DAVID KILLINGRAY (Eds.)1992. Policing and Decolonization: Politics, Nationalism and the Police 1917-65. (Manchester: ). Manchester University Press 0-7190-3033-1. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 70.19%
JULIEN ASSANGE. 2014. Google Is Not What It Seems. WikiLeaks Accessed 17th Feb 2017, from: <>. Added by: sashi  V    Pop. 62.23%
SHARYL ATTKISSON. 17th Apr 2016. The Dark Side of Wikipedia. (Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson). Added by: flip  v    Pop. 65.7%
SUSAN J. BALL. 2005. Banquo's Ghost: Lord Salisbury, Harold Macmillan and the High Politics of Decolonization. Twentieth-Century British History 16.1. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 80.46%
COLLIER DE BARBE & PAOLO SARPI. Mar 2013. Bourdieu, Braudel, Gallo: une bien belle emission... en 1979. [forum]. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 64.98%
LIONEL BARBE, LOUISE MERZEAU & VALéRIE SCHAFER (Eds.)2015. Wikipedia: objet scientifique non identifié. (Nanterre: ). Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest 978-2-84016-205-6. Last edited by: sashi  v    Pop. 57.89%
ERIC A. BARBOUR. 2013. Indian Fakers Teach Wiki PR. Wikipediocracy Accessed 16th Feb 2017, from: <http://wikipediocracy.c ... n-fakers-teach-wiki-pr/>. Added by: flip  v    Pop. 56.01%
HILARY BECKLES & VERENE SHEPHERD (Eds.)1993. Carribean Freedom: Society and Economy from Emancipation to the Present. (Kingston: ). Ian Randle 976-810017-6 (Ian Randle). - 0-85255-711-6 (James Currey). Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 65.27%
KEANE BHATT. 9th Mar 2010. Chomsky on Haiti. Counterpunch. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 61.94%
WALT BOGDANICH & JENNY NORDBERG. 29th Jan 2006. Mixed U.S. Signals Helped Tilt Haiti Toward Chaos. The New York Times. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 100%
LOYS BONOD. 2012. Comment j'ai pourri le web: Petite expérience amusante sur l'usage du numérique en lettres. Accessed 10th Jan 2017, from: <http://www.laviemoderne ... ment-j-ai-pourri-le-web>. Last edited by: flip  v    Pop. 70.19%
DANIEL BRANCH. 2009. Defeating Mau Mau, Creating Kenya: Counterinsurgency, Civil War and Decolonization. Cambridge, MA; London: Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11382-3. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 65.41%
H. BRASTED, C. BRIDGE & J. KENT. 1995. Cold War, informal empire and the transfer of power: some paradoxes in British decolonisation resolved? In ANTHONY ADAMTHWAITE & MICHAEL DOCKRILL (Eds.) Europe Within the Global System, 1938-1960: Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany: from great powers to regional powers. Bochum: Brockmeyer. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 72.36%
JUDITH BROWN & ANTHONY PAREL (Eds.)2011. The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi. (Cambridge: ). Cambridge University Press 0-521-13345-9. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 77.42%
PHILIP BUCKNER (Ed.)2005. Canada and the End of Empire. (Vancouver: ). UBC Press 0-7748-0916-7. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 71.06%
LAWRENCE J. BUTLER. 1999. Reconstruction, development and the entrepreneurial state: The British colonial model, 1939-51. Contemporary British History 13.4. 29–55. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 72.21%

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