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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Category: General
YAMICHE ALCINDOR. 14th Mar 2016. High Hopes for Hillary Clinton, Then Disappointment in Haiti. The New York Times.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 58.09%
PAUL KELLEMAN. 2007. Planning for Africa: The British Labour Party's colonial Development Policy, 1920-1964. Journal of Agrarian Change 7.1. 76–98.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 67.65%
MIKE MCINTIRE. 16th Oct 2016. Haiti and Africa Projects Shed Light on Clinton's Public-Private Web. The New York Times.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 58.89%
ROBINSON MEYER & GRAHAM STARR. 22nd Jul 2016. Is Wikipedia Foreshadowing Clinton's Vice Presidential Pick? The Atlantic.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 59.43%
SANDHYA SOMANI. 4th Jul 2015. The Vandals of Wiki. The Times of India.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 68.19%
ELIZABETH WALLACE. The break-up of the British West Indies Federation. In Carribean Freedom: Society and Economy from Emancipation to the Present. (HILARY MCD. BECKLES & VERENE A. SHEPHERD (series Ed.)). Kingston: Ian Randle 976-810017-6 (Ian Randle). - 0-85255-711-6 (James Currey).
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 60.11%