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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-262-61107-4 BibTeX citation key:  Kayne1994
RICHARD S. KAYNE. 1998. The Antisymmetry of Syntax. (, Linguistic Inquiry Monograph, 25). Cambridge, MA; London: MIT Press 0-262-61107-4.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-24 04:32:28
Categories: linguistics
Keywords: adjunction, phrase complexe, syntax, X-bar
Creators: Kayne
Publisher: MIT Press (Cambridge, MA; London)

Number of views:  425
Popularity index:  61.51%

Part I
§ Chapter 1: Introduction
§§ 1.1 Introcution
§§ 1.2 Proposal
§ Chapter 2: Deriving X-Bar Theory
Part II
§ Chapter 3: Adjunction
§§ 3.1 Segments and Categories
§§ 3.2 Adjunction to a Head
§§ 3.3 Multiple Adjunctions: Clitics
§§ 3.4 Multiple Adjunctions: Nonheads
§§ 3.5 Specifiers
§§ 3.6 Verb-Second Effects
§§ 3.7 Adjunction of a Head to a Nonhead
§ Chapter 4: Word Order
§§ 4.1 The Specifier-Complement Assymmetry
§§ 4.2 Specifier-Head-Complement as a Universal Order
§§ 4.3 Time and the Universal Specifier-Head-Complement Order
§§ 4.4 Linear Order and Adjunction to Heads
§§ 4.5 Linear Order and Structure below the Word Level
§§ 4.6 The Adjunction Site of Clitics
§ Chapter 5: Further Consequences
§§ 5.1 There is No Directionality Paramater
§§ 5.2 The LCA Applies to All Syntactic Representations
§§ 5.3 Agreement in Adpositional Phrases
§§ 5.4 Head Movement
§§ 5.5 Final Complementizers and Agglutination
Part III
§ Chapter 6: Coordination
§§ 6.1 More on Coordination
§§ 6.2 Coordination of Heads, including Clitics
§§ 6.3 Coordination with 'With'
§§ 6.4 Right Node Raising
§ Chapter 7: Complentation
§§ 7.1 Multiple Complements and Adjuncts
§§ 7.2 Heavy NP Shift
§§ 7.3 Right-Dislocations
§ Chapter 8: Relatives and Possessives
§§ 8.1 Postnominal Possessives in English
§§ 8.2 Relative clauses in English
§§ 8.3 N-Final Relative Clauses
§§ 8.4 Reduced Relatives and Adjectives
§§ 8.5 More on Possessives
§§ 8.6 More on French 'De'
§§ 8.7 Nonrestrictive Relatives
§ Chapter 9: Extraposition
§§ 9.1 Relative Clause Extraposition
§§ 9.2 Result Clauses and Comparatives
Part IV
§ Chapter 10: Conclusion
Added by: sashi

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