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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-262-60013-7 BibTeX citation key:  Ray1983
JACKENDOFF RAY. 1999. Semantics and Cognition. (, Current Studies in Linguistics, 8). Cambridge, MA; London: MIT Press 0-262-60013-7.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-24 04:15:10
Categories: linguistics
Keywords: cognition, cognitive, semantics, space
Creators: Ray
Publisher: MIT Press (Cambridge, MA; London)

Number of views:  465
Popularity index:  62.75%

Part I: Basic issues
§ Chapter 1: Semantic Structure and Conceptual Structure
§ Chapter 2: Sense and Reference
Part II: Cognitive Foundations of Semantics
§ Chapter 3: Individuation
§ Chapter 4: The Syntax of Conceptual Structure
§ Chapter 5: Categorization
§ Chapter 6: Semantic Structure is Conceptual Structure
Part III: Word Meanings
§ Chapter 7: Problems of Lexical Analysis
§ Chapter 8: Preference Rule Systems
Part IV: Applications
§ Chapter 9: Semantics of Spatial Expressions
§ Chapter 10: Nonspatial Semantic Fields and the Thematic Relations Hypothesis
§ Chapter 11: Theory of #Representation#
Added by: sashi

Added by: sashi

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