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Newspaper Article: BibTeX citation key:  Bogdanich2006
WALT BOGDANICH & JENNY NORDBERG. 29th Jan 2006. Mixed U.S. Signals Helped Tilt Haiti Toward Chaos. The New York Times.
Added by: sashi 2017-07-15 01:50:01
Categories: history
Keywords: Aristide, Guy Philippe, Haiti, IRI, USAID
Creators: Bogdanich, Nordberg
Collection: The New York Times

Number of views:  741
Popularity index:  100%

The story of the IRI working in Haiti at cross-purposes to the State Department. Stories of them training the resistance to Aristide (notably Guy Philippe), through the leadership of Stanley Lucas, in the Dominican Republic.
Added by: sashi

Further information may be found at: ... ls-helped-tilt-haiti-toward-chaos.html

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