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Newspaper Article: BibTeX citation key:  Robertson2016
JORDAN ROBERTSON, MICHAEL RILEY & ANDREW WILLIS. 31st Mar 2016. How to Hack an Election. Bloomberg.
Added by: sashi 2017-01-16 03:07:59    Last edited by: sashi 2017-01-19 05:46:54
Categories: history, speaking through machines
Keywords: 2012 Mexican election, 2012 Venezuelan election, Honduras, shilling, troll
Creators: Riley, Robertson, Willis
Collection: Bloomberg

Number of views:  427
Popularity index:  57.55%

Andrés Sepúlveda tells of his work designing interfaces to make use of a mid-sized twitter sockfarm efficiently. Worked for Juan José Rendón, "a Miami-based political consultant who’s been called the Karl Rove of Latin America."
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

Further information may be found at:

"Sepúlveda’s first hacking job, he says, was breaking into an Uribe rival’s website, stealing a database of e-mail addresses, and spamming the accounts with disinformation. He was paid $15,000 in cash for a month’s work, five times as much as he made in his previous job designing websites."
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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