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Magazine Article: BibTeX citation key:  Meyer2016
ROBINSON MEYER & GRAHAM STARR. 22nd Jul 2016. Is Wikipedia Foreshadowing Clinton's Vice Presidential Pick? The Atlantic.
Added by: sashi 2016-09-04 16:47:25
Categories: General, speaking through machines
Keywords: Wikipedia
Creators: Meyer, Starr
Collection: The Atlantic

Number of views:  441
Popularity index:  59.51%

The Wikipedia page of Virginia Senator Tim Kaine [...] has seen 62 edits on Friday alone. There have been almost 90 edits over the past week. Many of them originate from a user called Neutrality, a longtime Wikipedia editor who has made more than 110,000 edits to the encyclopedia. " (emphasis added)
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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