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Book Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  978-0-7190-6048-9 BibTeX citation key:  May2001
ALEX MAY. 2001. €œEmpire Loyalists and ‘Commonwealth men’: the Round Table and the end of Empire. In British Culture and the End of Empire. (STUART WARD (series Ed.): Studies in Empire). Manchester: Manchester University Press 978-0-7190-6048-9.
Added by: sashi 2012-06-01 19:59:26
Categories: history
Keywords: db**, db.07.1, decolonisation biblio
Creators: May, Ward
Publisher: Manchester University Press (Manchester)
Collection: British Culture and the End of Empire

Number of views:  489
Popularity index:  65.99%

MUP blurb:

This book is the first major attempt to examine the cultural manifestations of the demise of imperialism as a social and political ideology in post-war Britain. Far from being a matter of indifference or resigned acceptance as is often suggested, the fall of the British Empire came as a profound shock to the British national imagination, and resonated widely in British popular culture. The sheer range of subjects discussed, from the satire boom of the 1960s to the worlds of sport and the arts, demonstrates how profoundly decolonisation was absorbed into the popular consciousness. Offers an extremely novel and provocative interpretation of post-war British cultural history, and opens up a whole new field of enquiry in the history of decolonisation.
Added by: sashi

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