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Book Article: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  976-810017-6 (Ian Randle). - 0-85255-711-6 (James Currey) BibTeX citation key:  Wallacea
ELIZABETH WALLACE. The break-up of the British West Indies Federation. In Carribean Freedom: Society and Economy from Emancipation to the Present. (HILARY MCD. BECKLES & VERENE A. SHEPHERD (series Ed.)). Kingston: Ian Randle 976-810017-6 (Ian Randle). - 0-85255-711-6 (James Currey).
Added by: sashi 2012-06-01 19:34:34    Last edited by: sashi 2012-06-01 19:35:08
Categories: General
Keywords: Caribbean, db**, db.06, decolonisation biblio
Creators: Beckles, Shepherd, Wallace
Publisher: Ian Randle (Kingston)
Collection: Carribean Freedom: Society and Economy from Emancipation to the Present

Number of views:  446
Popularity index:  60.19%

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Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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