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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-19-820505-8 BibTeX citation key:  Murphy1995a
PHILIP MURPHY. 1995. Party Politics and Decolonization: The Conservative Party and British Colonial Policy in Tropical Africa 1951-1964. (, Oxford Historical Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press No. pages: 272. 0-19-820505-8.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-04 21:51:26    Last edited by: sashi 2012-06-01 20:05:32
Categories: history
Keywords: British conservative party, db***, db.07.1, decolonisation biblio, decolonization
Creators: Murphy
Publisher: Clarendon Press (Oxford)

Number of views:  456
Popularity index:  61.54%

1. British Party Politics and the Policy-Making Process
§ African Decolonization and Executive Decision-Making
§ Party Politics and Decolonization
2. The Conservative Party and Empire, 1945-1951
§ Post-War Readjustments
§ Empire and the Cold War
§ 'The Three Unities'
§ Colonial Development Policy
§ Political Change in the Colonies
§ Reactions to the Conservative Victory of 1951
§ Conservative Imperial Policy in 1951
3. The Conservative Party and Settler Pressure
§ European Settlers in British Africa
§ Blundell and the New Kenya Party
§ European Resistance to Change in Kenya
§ The Central African Federation
§ Settler Lobbying
4. The Conservative Party and Business Interests
§ Political Parties and Economic Interests
§ Business and the Conservative Party
§ Business Pressure Groups
§ Business Pressure in the Gold Coast and Katanga
§ Business Influence on Conservative Colonial Policy
5. Central Office Involvement in Colonial Policy
§ Party Discipline and the Management of Information
§ Central Office and Public Relations
§ The Conservative Research Department
§ Conservative Intervention in Africa
6. The Context of Conservative Discussions of Colonial Policy
§ The Conference System
§ The Committee System
§ The Conservative Commonwealth Council
§ Policy Committees, 1957-1959
§ 'Open' and 'Closed' Discussion Groups
7. Conservative Reactions to Rapid Decolonization in East and Central Africa
8. Conservative Factions, Tendencies, and Ideology
§ Conservative Political Thought
§ The 'Right Wing' Tendency
§ The Bow Group and the 'Progressive' Tendency
§ The EEC and Immigration
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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