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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  978 02 302 436 99 BibTeX citation key:  Frey2011
MARC FREY & JOST DüLFFER (Eds.)2011. Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century. (, Cambridge Imperial and Post Colonial Studies). Palgrave Macmillan 978 02 302 436 99.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-04 20:02:17
Categories: history
Keywords: decolonization, elite
Creators: Dülffer, Frey
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Number of views:  485
Popularity index:  65.28%

1. Intelligence Providers and the Fabric of the Late Colonial State -- Martin Thomas
2. Elites and the Construction of the Nation in Southeast Asia -- Paul H. Kratoska
3. Dutch Elites and Decolonization -- Marc Frey
4. Emerging Business Elites in Newly Independent Indonesia -- J. Thomas Lindblad
5. Elites as the Least Common Denominator: The Ambivalent Place of French Schools in Lebanon in the Process of Decolonization -- Esther Möller
6. Alternatives to Nationalism in French Africa, 1945-1960. -- Frederick Cooper
7. Verwoerdian Apartheid and African Political Elites in South Africa, 1950-68 -- Christoph Marx
8. Chieftaincies and Chiefs in Northern Namibia: Intermediaries of Power between Traditionalism, Modernization, and Democratization -- Michael Bollig
9. Nehru -- the Dilemmas of a Colonial Inheritance -- Judith M. Brown
10. A "Frontal Attack on Irrational Elements": Sékou Touré and the Management of Elites in Guinea -- Mairi S. MacDonald
11. Julius Nyerere, Tanzanian Elites, and the Project of African Socialism -- Andreas Eckert.
12. The United States, Decolonization, and the Education of Third World Elites
13. Building a Socialist Elite? -- Kruschev's Soviet Union and Elite Formation in India -- Andreas Hilger
Added by: sashi

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