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Film: BibTeX citation key:  Rassat2010a
BENJAMIN RASSAT. 2010. I am the Media. (BENJAMIN RASSAT (Prod.)). France.
Added by: sashi 2012-03-29 20:21:48    Last edited by: sashi 2012-04-10 16:03:46
Categories: history, literature
Keywords: blogosphere, culture numérique, digital culture, ehrmann, narcissism, personal technology
Creators: Rassat

Number of views:  542
Popularity index:  73.64%

Further information may be found at:

The follow-up to ''Quand l'internet fait des bulles" is a much easier film to follow insofar as it focuses on the potential (and real) narcissism of the blogosphere. Rassat pokes fun at his own narcissism throughout the short film, particularly at the end, but one can see why, as an interviewer, he was able to charm his interviewees in the previous production.

Thierry Erhmann is given the last word in a fairly light film that is nevertheless quite thought-provoking.

pull Erhmann quote...
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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