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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  978-0-7475-6162-0 BibTeX citation key:  Eugenides2002
JEFFREY EUGENIDES. 2002. Middlesex. London: Bloomsbury 978-0-7475-6162-0.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-27 13:08:56
Categories: literature
Keywords: Detroit, gender, Greek, novel, sex, Smyrna
Creators: Eugenides
Publisher: Bloomsbury (London)

Number of views:  464
Popularity index:  63.04%

perhaps pervese, but it seems like Middlesex would be an excellent novel in which to study the middle voice.


On a first reading, I intend to pull all the instances of "get" that I don't miss. Afterwards, though, it's clear that Book I has a very interesting number of "pathetic fallacies" or "paysage d'état d'âme", doors, eyes, fires, all with a sense of sentient purpose !
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

p.6, Section Book One, Chapter The Silver Spoon  In the spring of 1959, when discussions of my fertilization got under way, my mother couldn't foresee that women would soon be burning their brassieres by the thousand. #discussions ##under way
Keywords:  get
Added by: sashi
Comment: Uncle Pete encourages the use of the basal thermometer, based on articles in Scientific American to increase chances of the narrator being a girl.
Added by: sashi
p.7, Section book one, Chapter the silver spoon  We may get another boy.

#We ##DP
Keywords:  get
Added by: sashi
p.7, Section book one, Chapter the silver spoon  Now my mother gets up from the so-called loveseat.
Keywords:  get
Added by: sashi

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