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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0-521-43146-8 BibTeX citation key:  Huddlestone2002b
RODNEY D. HUDDLESTONE & GEOFFREY K. PULLUM. 2005. The Cambridge grammar of the English language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press No. pages: xviii, 1842. 0-521-43146-8.
Added by: sashi 2012-04-25 04:09:08    Last edited by: sashi 2012-04-25 04:33:41
Categories: linguistics
Keywords: English grammar, grammar, syntax, terminology
Creators: Huddlestone, Pullum
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge)

Number of views:  563
Popularity index:  75.77%

1. Preliminaries
2. Syntactic overview
3. The verb
4. The clause: complements
5. Nouns and Noun phrases
6. Adjectives and adverbs
7. Prepositions and preposition phrases
8. The clause: adjuncts
9. Negation
10. Clause type and illocutionary force
11. Content clauses and reported speech
12. Relative constructions and unbounded dependencies
13. Comparative constructions ʘ-ʘ
14. Non-finite and verbless clauses
15. Coordination and supplementation
16. Information packaging
17. Deixis and anaphora
18. Inflectional morphology and related matters
19. Lexical word-formation
20. Punctuation
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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