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Web Article: BibTeX citation key:  Assange2014
JULIEN ASSANGE. 2014. Google Is Not What It Seems. WikiLeaks Accessed 17th Feb 2017, from: <>.
Added by: sashi 2017-02-17 19:41:45
Categories: history, speaking through machines, speaking to machines
Keywords: Assange, Clinton, Eric Schmidt, Google, Jared Cohen, New America Foundation, Obama, State Department, Stratfor, WikiLeaks
Creators: Assange
Publisher: WikiLeaks
Collection: WikiLeaks

Number of views:  469
Popularity index:  63.72%

In May 2011, while he was under house arrest (prior to the Ecuadorian embassy), a small group headed by Eric Schmidt came to visit Assange in 2010, including Jared Cohen, Lisa Shields, and Scott Malcomson. At first, Assange thought he was being interviewed primarily by the tech sector executive Schmidt, but later came to understand that the people surrounding Schmidt were all part of the foreign policy establishment.
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

The people at Stratfor, who liked to think of themselves as a sort of corporate CIA, were acutely conscious of other ventures that they perceived as making inroads into their sector. Google had turned up on their radar. In a series of colorful emails they discussed a pattern of activity conducted by Cohen under the Google Ideas aegis, suggesting what the “do” in “think/do tank” actually means.

Cohen’s directorate appeared to cross over from public relations and “corporate responsibility” work into active corporate intervention in foreign affairs at a level that is normally reserved for states.
Keywords:  Jared Cohen, regime change, Stratfor
Added by: sashi

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