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Web Article: BibTeX citation key:  Fisk2007
ROBERT FISK. 2007. Caught in the deadly web of the internet. The Independent Accessed 17th Feb 2017, from: < ... 07-04-21T00:00:10-00:00>.
Added by: sashi 2017-02-17 01:29:55
Categories: history, law, speaking through machines
Keywords: Armenian genocide, BLP, hoax, Wikipedia
Creators: Fisk
Publisher: The Independent
Collection: The Independent

Number of views:  456
Popularity index:  61.37%

Taner Akçam, A Turkish-Armenian academic from U. Minn., has lent his voice to the call for official recognition of the Armenian genocide. In 2007, he was detained in the Toronto airport for four hours as a result of his Wikipedia entry containing a claim that he was associated with a terrorist organization.
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

Taner Akçam was a friend of Hrant Dink
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

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