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Web Article: BibTeX citation key:  Devlin2015
MARK DEVLIN. 2015. Google and Wikipedia: Best Friends Forever. Newslines blog Accessed 16th Feb 2017, from: < ... a-best-friends-forever/>.
Added by: flip 2017-02-16 00:42:14
Categories: history, speaking through machines
Keywords: wiki-workers, Wikipedia
Creators: Devlin
Publisher: Newslines
Collection: Newslines blog

Number of views:  489
Popularity index:  66.44%

An interesting study of the role of the Knowledge Graph in keeping people on Google (rather than clicking through to Wikipedia, or worse, heading off into better alternatives (CDC, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Amazon's IMDB are mentioned). The Knowledge Graph is based on Wikipedia / Wikidata.
Devlin suggests that the contributions made by Google ($2 million in 2010) and by Sergey Brin ($1.5 million from 2011-2013) to the WMF are also good investments, though they do not pay content providers.
Added by: flip    Last edited by: flip

How exactly is the Knowledge Graph built? I feel that I need to read more on this subject.
Added by: flip

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