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Newspaper Article: BibTeX citation key:  Hafner2007
KATIE HAFNER. 19th Aug 2007. Seeing Corporate Fingerprints in Wikipedia Edits. The New York Times.
Added by: sashi 2017-02-15 18:31:01
Categories: history, speaking through machines
Keywords: Exxon, lobbying, lobbying by newspapers, Pepsi, Walmart, Wikipedia, WikiScanner
Creators: Hafner
Collection: The New York Times

Number of views:  474
Popularity index:  64.4%

An article about some early evidence of extensive editing by IP addresses associated with companies. The program WikiScanner facilitated these discoveries.
Added by: sashi

Further information may be found at:

Last year, someone using a computer at the Washington Post Company changed the name of the owner of a free local paper, The Washington Examiner, from Philip Anschutz to Charles Manson.
Keywords:  lobbying by newspapers, WaPo
Added by: sashi
WikiScanner is the work of Virgil Griffith, 24, a cognitive scientist who is a visiting researcher at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico. [...] Mr. Griffith, who also likes to refer to himself as a “disruptive technologist,” said [...] “The yield, in terms of public relations disasters, is about what I expected.”


Mr. Wales, who called the scanner “a very clever idea,” said he was considering some changes to Wikipedia to help visitors better understand what information is recorded about them.
Keywords:  WikiScanner
Added by: flip
Comment: Cf. Virgil Griffith's 2016 blog post
Added by: flip

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