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Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  978-1-250-00236-5 BibTeX citation key:  Dubois2012
LAURENT DUBOIS. 2012. Haiti: The Aftershocks of History. New York: Picador / Henry Holt 978-1-250-00236-5.
Added by: sashi 2017-02-04 07:08:34    Last edited by: sashi 2017-02-15 21:19:44
Categories: history
Keywords: Caribbean, Dessalines, Duvalier, Haiti, US occupation
Creators: Dubois
Publisher: Picador / Henry Holt (New York)

Number of views:  517
Popularity index:  69.68%

Very well written book about Haitian history.
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: sashi

DYK: at one point during Duvalier all baseballs used in US pro-baseball leagues were made in Haiti, though Haitians prefer football?

DYK: that the national football hero Joe Gaetjens was disappeared by Tonton Macoutes in 1964 after his family fled Haiti for fear of political reprisals for their speech?

DYK: that before the US military occupation of Haiti, marines from the USS Machias rolled into Port au Prince and took $500,000 of gold from the Banque Nationale d'Haiti and shipped it back to New York City banks?

DYK: FDR claimed to have written the Haitian constitution adopted by plebiscite during the occupation by a people incapable of reading the fine print (that foreign-born investors could own Haitian territory unlike in the previous constitution...)

DYK: The best turnouts in Haitian elections have been after the end of the US occupation and for Aristide's first mandate?
Added by: sashi    Last edited by: flip

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