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Newspaper Article: BibTeX citation key:  Coughlin2011
DAN COUGHLIN & KIM IVES. 25th May 2011. Washington Backed Famous Brand-Name Contractors in Fight Against Haiti's Minimum Wage Increase. Haïti Liberté.
Added by: sashi 2017-01-10 05:13:14
Categories: history
Keywords: ADIH, Caracol, Haiti, minimum wage, outsourcing
Creators: Coughlin, Ives
Collection: Haïti Liberté

Number of views:  450
Popularity index:  60.57%

cables leaked by Wikileaks show that US AID / the US Embassy / State Department were aligned with the ADIH (association des industries haitiennes) on preventing the mininmum wage hike that was before the legislature and were trying to influence Préval to push back against these pressures.
Added by: sashi

Further information may be found at: ... e4-47/Washington%20Backed%20Famous.asp

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