FRéDéRIC ABéCASSIS & JEAN-FRANçOIS FAü. 2011. Les Juifs dans le monde musulman à l'âge des nations (1840-1915). In ANTOINE GERMA, BENJAMIN LELLOUCH & ÉVELYNE PATLAGEAN (Eds.) Les Juifs dans l'histoire. Seysell: Champ Vollon 545–570 978-2-87673-555-2.
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Pop. 61.64%
JEAN MARIE. ALLMAN. The Youngmen and the Porcupine: Class, nationalism and Asante's struggle for self-determination. In The Decolonization Reader. 204–217.
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Pop. 65.28%
ALAIN DIECKHOFF. 2011. Le sionisme et la Palestine (1880-1948). In ANTOINE GERMA, BENJAMIN LELLOUCH & ÉVELYNE PATLAGEAN (Eds.) Les Juifs dans l'histoire. Seysell: Champ Vollon 571–595 978-2-87673-555-2.
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Pop. 73.35%
PIERRE VAN DER ENG. Marshall Aid as a Catalyst in the Decolonization of Indonesia, 1947-49. In The Decolonization Reader.
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MARC FREY & JOST DüLFFER (Eds.)2011. Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century. (, Cambridge Imperial and Post Colonial Studies). Palgrave Macmillan 978 02 302 436 99.
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DAVID GILMARTIN. Democracy, Nationalism and the Public: A speculation on colonial Muslim politics. In The Decolonization Reader. 191–203.
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TED GIOIA. Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo. Fractious Fiction.
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Pop. 60.16%
ALBERT HOURANI. 1993. Histoire des peuples arabes. (PAUL CHEMLA (Trans.)). Paris: Seuil. (original pub. as A A History of the Arab Peoples by Faber & Faber: London). 2-02-02001-5.
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Pop. 68.24%
DANE KENNEDY. 2003. Imperial History and Post-Colonial Theory. In The Decolonization Reader. New York & London: Routledge 0-415-23117-5.
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JAMES D. LE SUEUR (Ed.)2003. The Decolonization Reader. (New York & London: ). Routledge 0-415-23117-5.
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JOHN LONSDALE. Mau Maus of the Mind: Making Mau Mau and Remaking Kenya. In The Decolonization Reader. 269–290.
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WILLIAM ROGER. LOUIS & RONALD ROBINSON. The Imperialism of Decolonization. In The Decolonization Reader. 49–79.
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Pop. 69.18%
PHILIP MURPHY. 1995. Party Politics and Decolonization: The Conservative Party and British Colonial Policy in Tropical Africa 1951-1964. (, Oxford Historical Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press No. pages: 272. 0-19-820505-8.
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Pop. 61.51%
CORA ANN. PRESLEY. The Mau Mau Rebellion, Kikuyu Women and Social Change. In The Decolonization Reader. 295–315.
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Pop. 67.83%
HEATHER J. SHARKEY. 2003. Colonialism, Character-building and the Culture of Nationalism in the Sudan. In The Decolonization Reader. New York & London: Routledge 218–235.
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Pop. 65.28%
TAI YONG TAN. 2008. Creating "Greater Malaysia": Decolonization and the Politics of Merger. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies No. pages: 224. 978-981-230-743-9.
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Pop. 64.87%
DAVID VINE. 2009. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia. Princeton, NJ: Princeton 979-0-691-13869-5.
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Pop. 61.37%