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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Keyword: db.05
HILARY BECKLES & VERENE SHEPHERD (Eds.)1993. Carribean Freedom: Society and Economy from Emancipation to the Present. (Kingston: ). Ian Randle 976-810017-6 (Ian Randle). - 0-85255-711-6 (James Currey).
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Pop. 66.89%
JUDITH BROWN & ANTHONY PAREL (Eds.)2011. The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi. (Cambridge: ). Cambridge University Press 0-521-13345-9.
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Pop. 79.68%
PHILIP BUCKNER (Ed.)2005. Canada and the End of Empire. (Vancouver: ). UBC Press 0-7748-0916-7.
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Pop. 72.95%
The Carribean: An Intellectual History 1774-2003. 978-9766371708.
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Pop. 66.35%
PARTHA CHATTERJEE. 1986. The colonial state and peasant resistance in Bengal, 1920-1947. Past & Present 110.1. 169–204.
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Pop. 68.91%
D. COLE. 1971. The problem of 'nationalism' and 'imperialism' in British settlement colonies. Journal of British Studies 10.
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Pop. 73.49%
FREDERICK COOPER. 1994. Conflict and connection: Rethinking colonial African history. The American Historical Review 99.
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Pop. 71.33%
MIKE CRONIN & JOHN REGAN (Eds.)Ireland: the Politics of Independence, 1922-1949. (Basingstoke: ). Macmillan 0-333-72051-2.
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Pop. 63.8%
DAVID GOLDSWORTHY. 2002. Losing the Blanket: Australia and the End of Britain's Empire. Carlton South: Melbourne University Press 0-522-85028-6.
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Pop. 62.31%
RONALD HYAM & PETER HENSHAW. 2003. The Lion and the Springbok: Britain and South Africa since the Boer War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 978-0521041386.
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Pop. 60.03%
DAVID KILLINGRAY. 2005. British decolonisation and the smaller territories: the origins of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories. In The United Kingdom Overseas Territories. London: University of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies.
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Pop. 60.16%
JAMES MILLETTE. 1997. Decolonization, Populist Movements and the Formation of New Nations, 1945-1970. In BRIDGET BRERETON (Ed.) The Caribbean in the Twentieth Century. London; Basingstoke: Unesco, Macmillan 0-333-72459-3.
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Pop. 62.85%
ROSALIND O'HANLON. 1988. Recovering the Subject: Subaltern Studies and histories of resistance in colonial South Asia. Modern Asian Studies 22.1.
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Pop. 61.37%