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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Creator:  Killingray
DAVID ANDERSON & DAVID KILLINGRAY (Eds.)1992. Policing and Decolonization: Politics, Nationalism and the Police 1917-65. (Manchester: ). Manchester University Press 0-7190-3033-1. Added by: sashi  v    Pop. 73.22%
DAVID KILLINGRAY & RICHARD RATHBONE (Eds.)1986. Africa and the Second World War. (Basingstoke; London: ). Macmillan 0-333-38258-7. Last edited by: sashi  v    Pop. 64.6%
DAVID KILLINGRAY. 2005. British decolonisation and the smaller territories: the origins of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories. In The United Kingdom Overseas Territories. London: University of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies. Last edited by: sashi  v    Pop. 60.16%
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