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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Collection: Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
LAWRENCE J. BUTLER. 2000. Britain, the United States and the demise of the Central African Federation, 1959-63. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 28.3.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 66.76%
MARK CHI-KWAN. Defence or decolonization? Britain, the United States, and the Hong Kong question in 1957. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 33.1.
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Pop. 70.39%
RAFAEL COX-ALOMAR. 2003. Britain's withdrawal from the Eastern Caribbean, 1965-67; A reappraisal. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 31.3.
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Pop. 67.29%
JOHN DARWIN. An Undeclared Empire: The British in the Middle East, 1918-1939. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 27.2.
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Pop. 74.29%
TOYIN FAYOLA. 1999. British Imperialism: Roger Louis and the West African Case. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 27.2.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 63.8%
RONALD HYAM. 1999. The primacy of geopolitics: the dynamics of British imperial policy, 1763-1963. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 27.2. 27–52.
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Pop. 60.43%
MATTHEW JONES. 2000. Creating Malaysia: Singapore Security, the Borneo territories and the contours of British policy, 1961-3. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 28.2.
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Pop. 66.76%
PAUL KELLEMAN. 2006. Modernising Colonialism: The British Labour Movement and Africa. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 34.2.
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Pop. 68.51%
JOHN KENT. 2005. United States reactions to empire, colonialism and cold war in Black Africa, 1949-1957. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 33.2.
Last edited by: sashi
Pop. 69.31%
ROGER W. LOUIS & RONALD ROBINSON. 1994. The Imperialism of Decolonization. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 22.3.
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Pop. 65.55%
KENNETH MORGAN. 1999. Imperialists at bay: the British Labour Party and decolonization. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 27.2.
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Pop. 59.76%
NICHOLAS OWEN. 2002. The Cripps Mission of 1942: A reinterpretation. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 30.1.
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Pop. 62.45%
SIMON SMITH. 2007. Integration and Disintegration: The Attempted Incorporation of Malto in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 35.1.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 58.01%
JOHN SUBRITZKY. 2000. Britain, Konfrontasi, and the end of empire in Southeast Asia, 1961-1965. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 28.3.
Added by: sashi
Pop. 63.66%